If you are trading in your vehicle to purchase a new vehicle for your Kirkland commutes, you may be wondering if you should fix your car before trading in. The general tips our finance and service team would give, is to only do minor fixes. Scratches and paint touch ups and cleaning your vehicle are worthwhile, but you shouldn’t do any major repairs. Major issues could cost more than your trade-in value, and thus you lose out on the financial benefit. Keep reading to learn more about trading in your vehicle with Honda of Kirkland.
If your current vehicle needs some major repairs, Honda of Kirkland suggest that you don’t fix them before you upgrade your Redmond ride:
Is it worth the trouble of performing minor repairs before you trade in your vehicle with a dealership outside of Woodinville? Minor fixes like paint touch ups, buffing out scratches, and a few more, can make your vehicle seem more presentable at trade-in. When you go to trade in your vehicle, the dealership will deduct the value of repairs, and you want to minimize that deduction. So, here are a few things you can do to improve your vehicle’s appearance prior to trade-in:
Do these basic maintenance activities, and following the routine maintenance your vehicle needs can show the dealership you have taken care of your vehicle. This can be incredibly beneficial for you, if done right, when it comes time to the trade in value of your car.
If done correctly, fixing your vehicle before trading it in can be extremely beneficial. There are some other steps you can take, at no extra cost, to benefit you when you bring your car to the dealership:
If you want to get the best trade in value of your vehicle, take these few small steps to get your vehicle ready. When you are ready, you can use our value your trade tool, to get an estimate of the value of your car. Contact us to set up an appointment at our dealership outside of Seattle. We’ll help you with the trade in process, and if you are looking for a new vehicle, you can browse our inventory. Contact us today if you have any questions!
Discover the all-new 2025 Honda Passport redesign. This model blends reliable performance, modern technology, and a refined interior, making it a top choice in the SUV market throughout Redmond. As a two-row counterpart to the roomy 2025 Honda Pilot, the redesigned Passport offers many of the same features as its three-row counterpart, along with…
The 2024 Honda Prologue represents a major step forward in Honda’s electric vehicle lineup. This midsize electric SUV combines luxury and spaciousness with top-notch performance and efficiency. For drivers around Kirkland, the Honda Prologue electric SUV provides a perfect mix of advanced technology and practical benefits, making it an excellent choice for those looking…
The new Honda Pilot for sale at Honda of Kirkland is a three-row SUV that comes equipped with a wide range of features designed to keep you and your passengers comfortable, entertained, and secure on Redmond roads and beyond. From the easy to use Honda Pilot infotainment system with smartphone integration, to the advanced Honda Pilot…